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Date | Commercial Banks: Loans to Consumer (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Loans to Businesses (Private Sector) (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Production Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Agriculture Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Petroleum Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Manufacturing Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Food Drink and Tobacco Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Printing and Publishing Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Wood & related Product Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Chemicals and Non-Metallic Minerals Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Assembly-type and Related Industries Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Miscellaneous Manufacturing (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Construction Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Service Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Distribution Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Hotels & Guest Houses Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Transport, Storage and Communication Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Electricity and Water Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Education Culture & Community Services Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Personal Services Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Leasing and Real Estate Mortgage Loans to Private Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Production Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Agriculture Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Petroleum Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Manufacturing Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Food Drink and Tobacco Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Printing and Publishing Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Chemicals and Non-Metallic Minerals Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Assembly-type and Related Industries Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Miscellaneous Manufacturing Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Construction Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Services Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Transport, Storage and Communication Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Finance, Insurance and Real Estate Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: All Other Service Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Leasing & Real Estate Mortgage Loans to the Public Sector (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Loans to Central and Local Government (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Bridging Finance Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Land and Real Estate Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Home Improvement/Renovation Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Motor Vehicle Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Insurance & Repairs to Motor Vehicles Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Domestic Appliances & Furnishings Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Purchase of Other Financial Assets Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Education Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Medical Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Travel Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Insurance (Life and Non-Life) & Professional Services (Legal, Funeral, etc.) Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Refinancing Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Consolidation of Debt Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Miscellaneous and Personal Services Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Other Purpose Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Real Estate Mortgage Loans to Consumers (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Public Sector Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: State-Owned Financial Enterprises Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Non-Financial State Enterprises Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Private Financial Institutions Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Incorporated Businesses Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Unincorporated Businesses Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Consumer Deposits (TT$Mn) | Commercial Banks: Regulatory Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Regulatory Tier I Capital-to-Risk-Weighted Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Regulatory Tier II Capital-to-Risk-Weighted Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Regulatory Capital-to-Total Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Net Open Position in Foreign Exchange-to-Capital (%) | Commercial Banks: Non-performing Loans-to-Gross Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: Non-performing Loans (Net of Provisions)-to-Capital (%) | Commercial Banks: Total Provisions-to-Impaired Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: Specific Provisions-to-Impaired Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: General Provisions-to-Gross Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: Specific Provisions-to-Gross Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: Return on Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Return on Equity (%) | Commercial Banks: Interest Margin-to-Gross Income (%) | Commercial Banks: Non-interest Income-to-Gross Income (%) | Commercial Banks: Non-interest Expenses-to-Gross Income (%) | Commercial Banks: Liquid Assets-to-Total Assets (%) | Commercial Banks: Liquid Assets-to-Total Short-Term Liabilities (%) | Commercial Banks: Customer Deposits-to-Total (Non-Interbank) Loans (%) | Commercial Banks: Foreign Currency Liabilities-to-Total Liabilities (%) | Commercial Banks: Weighted Average Loan Rate - TT Denominated Currency (%) | Commercial Banks: Weighted Average Deposit Rate - TT Denominated Currency (%) | Commercial Banks: Weighted Average Loan Rate – Foreign Currency (%) | Commercial Banks: Weighted Average Deposit Rate – Foreign Currency (%) |
1 Effective August 2020, capital adequacy ratios are reported based on the Basel II (and some elements of the Basel III) framework. All capital adequacy ratios prior to August 2020 are based on the Basel I framework. Adjustments related to the new framework seek to raise the quality and quantity of the regulatory capital base and enhance the risk coverage of the capital framework. For further information on Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago’s Basel II/III framework implementation, please view: https://www.central-bank.org.tt/core-functions/supervision/basel-ii-iii-implementation.
* Data for December 2021 are provisional.
2 Effective January 2024, the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago migrated the compilation of the Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) from the 2006 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Compilation Guide to the 2019 Guide. The FSIs based on the 2019 Guide were introduced in the January 2024 issue of the Economic Bulletin available at: https://www.central-bank.org.tt/sites/default/files/latest-news/economic-bulletin-january-2024.pdf (See pages 110-117). The website Data Centre will soon be updated to reflect these changes.